孟昭晖 博士后







2023年于中国石油大学(北京)获得工学学博士学位,专业材料科学与工程,师从赵昆教授。同年以物创海河实验室与南开大学联合招收博士后入职南开大学+物创海河实验室,加入刘天飞教授课题组从事科学研究工作。目前以第一作者身份在EnergyJ PETROL SCI ENGIEEE TIM等期刊发表论文7篇。


1Meng Z. H., Qin F. K., Li A. Q., et al., Mechanistic study of the effect of hydrocarbon unsaturation on the distribution state of water molecules at the oil-water interface by oblique incident reflectance difference technique, Energy, 2023, 276:127658.

2Meng Z. H., Chen R., Chen M. X., et al., Probing the anisotropy of shale by the voltaic response of laser-induced plasma, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2021, 70:1-6.

3Meng Z. H., Qin F. K., Li A. Q., et al., Cluster structure of interfacial molecules studied by oblique incidence reflectance difference: influences of salt ion on oil-water interfacial properties, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2023, 220:111147.

4Meng Z. H., Zhan H. L., Chen R., et al., Terahertz dating of sedimentary rocks, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10:838275.

5Meng Z. H., Zhu J., Zhan H. L., et al., Influence of component and structure on laser induced voltage in sandstone, AIP Advances, 2019, 9:115206.

6Meng Z. H., Zhang Y., Chen R., et al., Terahertz spectroscopy properties of trace crude oil in quartz sand, Terahertz Science & Technology, 2023, 16(1):12-18.

7孟昭晖, 詹洪磊, 陈儒, , 激光诱导等离子体在岩石表面的分布, 物理实验, 2020, 40(4):8-11.

8Zhan H. L., Meng Z. H., Ren Z. W., et al., Terahertz spectroscopy combined with deep learning for predicting the depth and duration of underground sand pollution by crude oil, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2022, 71:2500108.

9Qin F. K., Meng Z. H., Li A. Q., et al., Optical Detection for the Adsorption Kinetics of Surfactant Solutions on the Surface/Interface: Oblique-Incidence Reflectivity Difference Investigation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2022, 7:1501907.

10Qing M. Y., Liu J. L., Huang Q., Meng Z. H., et al., In situ probing of wax precipitation of waxy oil using oblique-incidence reflectivity difference at open bulk surface, Fuel, 2022, 316:123436.

11Zhan H. L., Yang Q., Qin F. K., Meng Z. H., et al., Comprehensive preparation and multiscale characterization of kerogen in oil shale, Energy, 2022, 252:124005.

12Zhan H. L., Qin F. K., Chen S. T., Chen R., Meng Z. H., et al., Two-step pyrolysis degradation mechanism of oil shale through comprehensive analysis of pyrolysis semi-cokes and pyrolytic gases, Energy, 2022, 241:122871.